Recommended by Dr. Mathew J. Brown, Spine Specialist (27 Years of Experience)
Former Chiropractor for the Dallas Mavericks
Dr. Brown specializes in natural pain management and spine rehabilitation. His purpose and commitment is to provide natural models of health care to his patients that have demonstrated the most effective evidence-based outcome measurements. Dr. Brown is the owner of Chiropractic Rehab of Texas in Dallas, Texas. He is also the founder of Chelsanna Wellness - a healthcare consumer consulting service. Dr. Brown is a certified industrial consultant and was the chiropractic consultant to the Dallas Mavericks from 1998 to 2002. His practice is primarily focused on management of spine syndromes, including spinal disc herniation, pinched nerve syndromes, and spine kinesiology.
"Nexhale unexpectedly helped me to do sit-ups. I wasn't capable of doing. My neck pain disappeared." -Dr. Allen Reuben, MD
"Nexhale is a great addition to my workout regimen. As someone who has had a disc fusion in my neck, it guarantees that my neck and head are aligned well." -Pam Jamison